New Design of
MDMobile iOS App
Get details of item cost price and purchase information directly through app
Easier stock take with improved connectivity
through QR code and RFID
Simplified diamond search by scanning
QR code
Get details of item cost price, purchase
information, Jewelry content information
directly through app
Fixed bugs and enhanced stability
New features added in
Manage Diamonds
New reports:
Get a list of items that are out on memo
Get the value of gross profit of the items sold
New search fields:
Now you can search Diamond by customer name
and get the details of invoice or memo on which
it is sold
hours saved
emails sent
Transactions handled
New inventory added
Hours of entry work saved as adding Diamond details is just 2 clicks process now
5000+ invoices & memos and many product details shared through emails
2000+ transactions were handled during the period
Over the period 6000+ new Diamonds and Jewelry were added in the inventory
This is just the year start
Our goal is to keep the growth climbing in the coming quarters and many more years to come