MDConnect is more informative now.
Get a list of top visitors, top flows, most popular items, most sought after promotions and promotion items as well.
All the top lists on the dashboard get prepared on the basis of view counts.
In Top visitors list, the most active visitors are listed. When a visitor visits a particular flow, he gets 1 view count. When he looks at a particular item in that flow, he gets another view count. The view count increases with his every visit of the items in a flow and with his every visit to different flows in a similar way. And you get the total views for the visitor when all these numbers get aggregated. Based on this total view count, the visitors are ranked. This helps you find out who your most active visitors are.
Visitor/User details:
Click on the visitor name and look at the details of your top visitor. Here, you will get complete information of which flows this visitor has visited, how many times each flow is visited, which promotion the visitor has visited and how many times each promotion is visited. This way find out which flows and promotions are most popular with the visitor. Same way,find out the items the visitor has visited & how many times. Also, find out the promotion items the visitor has visited & how many times. You also get a list of flows to which the visitor has access and the list of groups to which the user is included in. This will help you find out what your top visitors are interested in.
In Top flow list, the most popular flows are listed. When a visitor visits a particular flow, that flow gets 1 view count. When the visitor visits a particular item in that flow, the flow gets another count. The view count increases with every time the flow is visited and the items of the flow are visited. And you get the total views for the flow when all these numbers are aggregated. Based on this total view count, the flows are ranked. This helps you find out which group of your inventory, i.e. which flow is most popular with the visitors.
Flow details:
Click on the flow name and look at the details of that flow. Here, you can find out the list of visitors who have visited this flow, the items of the flow that have been viewed, and also the list of users and groups who have access to the flow.
Top promotions list work the same way as top flows list, but for promotions and promotion items.
In Top items list, items most popular with the visitors are listed. Every time the item is viewed, it gets 1 count. And you get the total views when these numbers are aggregated. Your items are ranked then based on the total views count. This helps you find out the most sought after items.
Item details:
Click on the item name, and look at the details of the item. Find out from which flow the item has been visited and how many times. Also, find out which visitors viewed the item and how many times each visitor viewed it. This helps you find out the flow to which the item belonged and the visitors interested in it.
Top promotion items list work the same way as top items, but for promotions items.
You also get graphical representation for all the statistics.
This way, the valuable information you require to take important business decisions is all on your dashboard now!